Friday, December 25, 2009

My Old & Best Buddy

He may look sad in this photo but he was anything but. He was spoiled on Christmas and was having a good time out in the fairly mild weather. I think the funny look he was giving me was because I had an old Nikon 300mm F/4.5 (not a small lens) tripod mounted and pointing at him.

As he gets older his energy doesn't seem to wane at all. He has been a wonderful friend and hopefully will continue to for a long time to come. I cannot recommend a pure bred black lab more if you are looking for a smart and loyal friend.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shadows of Winter

Winter is here although it is still technically fall. These shots were taken along the Alplaus Kill (one of my favorite and most accessible subjects) in Charlton, NY. We won't be in the shadows of winter for long. As long as we don't get as much snow as we have gotten in rain the past few months we might be O.K. here in Upstate, NY.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Around the Bend

Around the Bend
Originally uploaded by UpstateNYPhototaker
Going through some photos from this past year, I decided I liked this shot better than I did before. I like how the stream bends out of the frame. I will certainly miss scenes like this when winter sets in up here in Upstate, NY. The November weather has been beautiful but it's coming soon. This stream is the Alplaus Kill in Charlton, NY. It is not too well known but is one of the prettier streams I have been on. Once upon a time it was loaded with eels. Alplaus or "Aalplatts" is a Dutch word for "Place of Eels." The Alplaus was also once home to many mills. The damming of the mills killed off all of the eels and modern technology killed off all of the mills. Such is life.Please check out the gallery below for more photos of the area. Please visit my Zenfolio Gallery if you would like to purchase any of what you see.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Misty Morning

Driving around this morning waiting for football to start, I came across this scene. It looked better in person. I lowered the clarity (softened) on this to try and convey the feeling of how misty and foggy it was. I love this combination of D90 & Sigma 10-20mm. This was taken up near Galway and Charlton, NY (Rural Saratoga County).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Galway Lake, NY - Saratoga County

To see more of my work, or to purchase a photo, go to: ZENFOLIO

Galway Lake, NY in Saratoga County is one of my favorite places to photograph. I have been going to my families camp there for as long as I can remember and my family has been "camping" there for longer than most.

Please visit my Zenfolio page to check out my other photos from Galway Lake and the area. If you are interested you can purchase one of my photos at that site. I also have some postcards made up of the first image at the top of this blog. If you are interested please contact me.

The End of Autumn in Upstate, NY

These are likely my last Upstate NY Foliage pics that I will take for 2009. These were taken on a beautiful November day in Collins Park in Scotia, NY (Schenectady County). All of the above photos were taken with a Nikon D90 and Sigma 10-20mm lens.

Please check out my Zenfolio site if you are interested in looking at more like these and in making a small donation to add these to your wall :)