Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunflower Field

Sunflower Field
Originally uploaded by UpstateNYPhototaker
A lot of photos of sunflowers have been posted lately so I decided this was probably the best time of year to search them out. I set out with a vague idea as to where I would find the best field (by vague idea, I mean a particular county in Upstate, NY... pretty vague). I set out on one of the main roads through the county and from there I took another main road and all of a sudden there it was! I wasn't there during the best possible lighting and could probably spend a great deal of time photographing this under different lighting conditions. I might try and get back here for some sunrise lighting.

I am not going to post exactly where this field is because quite frankly I had to do some legwork (mostly driving around) and had a great deal of luck. If you absolutely must know where it is, contact me and I'll let you know.

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